Ten Things You Can Do To Improve Your Personal Growth

personal development

Here are 10 things you can do in your everyday life to increase your personal growth.

1. Write about the things you want to improve on.

Are you seeking to enhance your skills? Find out more. Be more meditative? Learn more about this in books. Are you looking to become more productive? Spontaneous? Outgoing? Confident? All these topic areas are covered by books on books that you can read about it, it'll be at the forefront of your mind.

2. Find someone to mentor.

A mentor could be anyone from a person who has knowledge that you don't, and you want to learn, all the way to someone who is more knowledgeable who will take you under their wing (in exchange for working in some way for or with them). Mentorship is the fastest path of learning.

3. Pause for a moment of reflection at the end of every day.

You should be aware of what you can do better if you want to really take self improvement. And the only way to figure out what you can do to improve is when you reflect and ask yourself where and how you still require improvement.

4. Create a routine of practice.

Your actions are the ones that create the outcome. It is impossible to live one life and then expect to live another. It is essential to establish daily habits that will allow the things you want to change to happen.

5. Seek out others to push and train you.

Self-development isn't required to be a one-way game. In fact, the best self improvement is done by working in conjunction with others in a certain way. You'll be able to grow alongside others doing similar things to you.

6. Create a reward/punishment system.

People trying to change bad habits need this. Sometimes it's an incentive (or punishment) that can make the difference between rapid and long-lasting change, and sporadic promises.

7. Be honest with yourself

Talking about it will never lead to any real change. This is what people find most difficult. It's easier to buy a book on self-development and carry it around and tell yourself, "I'm working on being more present," while staying constantly on your phone to text your loved ones about how you're trying to be more present. It's crucial to be honest to yourself about how you feel. You're the only one who can decide.

8. Find role models you can follow in the footsteps of.

Again, self-development is not easy, so it's helpful to have access to others for motivation, inspiration or just everyday reminders of ways to continue moving forward on your journey.

9. Check your improvement.

A mentor of mine told me "If you can't quantify it, don't do it." It took me a while to understand what this meant. No matter how abstract the subject you wish to work on is you must find some way to measure the progress you've made. It is the only way you can tell whether your progress is heading going in the right direction, and also when you should shift.

10. Consistency is key.

personal-improvement doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and dedication. It requires consistency to bring about lasting changes. This is the reason it's so challenging for individuals. It's not that you pop and pill and you're done. You don't do it one time and you're "fixed." Self-development can be a daily habit or a lifestyle. 


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